
Enrique García Conde


Professional Experience

Graduated as a lawyer from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, in Mexico City; he has ample professional experience, specializing in labor litigation and advisory in the business sector, representing the interests of national and multinational companies, government agencies and agencies managed in a decentralized manner before the labor authorities; he is currently a partner at De La Vega & Martínez Rojas, S.C.

Practice Areas

  • Lawyer with solid experience focused on labor matters, social security, collective disputes, negotiation, and immigration topics. Offering certainty in the management of cross-border operations with top international companies, particularly in the Northeastern territories of Mexico
  • He has participated in the restructuring of several companies through mergers and acquisitions, including substitution of the employer, union bargaining and internal communication with employees as well as representing multinational companies in the complex expatriate processes and negotiation of collective bargaining agreements with unions at the regional level
  • He is the author of articles on labor law, speaker at conferences on topics relating to labor law in Mexico and in different countries
  • Vice-president of the Mexican Institute of Financial Executives, University Division (IMEF, University Division) and of the National Steering Committee of the Mexican Institute of Financial Executives (IMEF)
  • Litigant Lawyer and Litigation Management Partner at the National level at De La Vega & Martínez Rojas, S.C., a Law Firm specializing in Labor Law

Training and Studies

  • Bachelor’s degree in law from the UNAM
  • Certificate Program in “Amparo Law” by the Graduate Studies Division of the Universidad Panamericana Law School, Mexico City
  • Graduate studies in Law by the Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
  • Certificate Program in Business Administration for the Human Resources Area at the EGADE Business School, Nuevo León, Mexico
  • Leadership Degree by Kellogg University, Chicago, Illinois